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COVID- 19 Update

To our clients:


The outbreak of the COVID-19 virus and the changes to public safety guidelines being issued by governmental health organizations are ever evolving.


As an essential service, Touchstone Building Technologies Inc. is working hard to ensure the health and safety of our employees, clients and the public while at the same time delivering our services.


Actions being taken to date include:


Daily monitoring of health organization communication.

All employees have taken pandemic training course before returning to work.

Regular communication and updates to all employees.

Increased hand hygiene practices.

The use of face masks to protect our employee’s and clients.

Ensuring sick employees do not come to work.

Suspending all company gatherings.

Reducing the number of employees working together and implementing distancing practices.

Respecting any additional requirements our clients may ask.



We are communicating with our suppliers and sub-contractors and have asked them to apply similar guidance to their employees visiting our office or work sites.


An effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic will need unity of purpose and collaboration from all governments, institutions, companies and citizens to flatten the curve.


Touchstone Building Technologies Inc. is committed to working in the best interests for all and to do its part in this pandemic.

Actions we recommend our clients taking:


Increasing air filter changes.

Implementation of demand control ventilation (DCV)

Implementation of ultraviolet (UV) system.

 Fitness testing equipment to ensure air changes are up to or exceed industry standards.



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